Do you struggle to take in the good? A nervous-system hack for anxiety
Embracing the positive, widens our "survival window." When we grant ourselves the gift of nourishment, our body can naturally release its tension, thaw out, and let go. At times, it can be quite a challenge to transition into a rhythm that nurtures our overall well-being. How do we make this shift when our ingrained survival patterns continuously keep us in a state of constant hyperarousal? How do we depart from the high-speed expressway and find our way to smoother, more tranquil pastures? Embracing the positive requires us to change our pace, navigate toward the exit ramp, and make a few lane changes. We must slow down sufficiently to adapt to the uneven country road. It's only then that we can savor the delightful fragrance of lilacs eagerly waiting to welcome us. Reestablishing our nervous system's response enables us to truly embrace moments of pleasure.
Microdose on Possibility.
Microdose on changes that you desire.
When we consider the restoration of our nervous system, it often involves making subtle adjustments to open ourselves up to these transformations. For me, this is where I discover micro-movements, connect with sensations, and savor small, simple pleasures that reignite feelings of joy—like burying my fingers in the earth and inhaling the scent of sprouting seedlings. It's about nurturing the life force of a growing garden, starting right at the roots. What minor adjustments can help you facilitate these changes and embrace the positive?
Here are some tips that have proven effective for me:
1. Take a Genuine Break: Step away from your routine (without defaulting to the habitual scrolling on social media). Whether you set a timer, play your favourite playlist, bask in the sun, or simply find a few moments of rest, it can create space for you to absorb more positivity.
2. Acknowledge Your Victories: Celebrate your wins, even the small ones. Share them aloud, text a friend, or jot them down in a journal. My sister always asks, "What brought you delight today?" It's not just about practicing gratitude but also a way of shaping your reality to welcome more joy. Sometimes it's as simple as relishing your pet snuggled on your lap for an extended period.
3. Dance Your Way Through: Even when you don't feel like it, crank up your favorite amapiano mixes and commit to dancing/moving and taking up physical space, even if it's just for a few minutes. This act allows the inner voice that says, "I must complete this task" or "I SHOULD be doing that" to make room for new ideas and prioritize a sense of spaciousness.
Incorporating these small changes into your life can help you shift your perspective and make room for more positivity and joy.